Insurance in Florida and Natural Disaster Coverage

Category: Blog

The hurricane season has well and truly started for
2012, so if you haven’t already looked at reviewing and possibly updating your insurance in
Fort Lauderdale
, it’s time. While property coverage may offer some
financial back up for storm damage, there are gaps, and you might need to
consider specialized coverage so you have across the board protection.

While wind-borne damage is an obvious risk when there
is a hurricane, a lot of the loss-causing damage people experience is due to
flooding. Your property policy won’t usually cover losses due to floods, so you
need to think about investigating specialized flood coverage.

Business owners should also give some thought to the
period immediately after a hurricane. You may not be able to resume trading
straight away – either because of damage your site has sustained and/or more
widespread issues with services and access. Adding income protection and
business interruption coverage could provide an additional financial buffer for
that interim period until things are back to normal again.

Don’t assume that because you already have an array of
insurance in Fort Lauderdale policies that you have everything youneed. Get them out and check through to make sure you have adequate protection
for everything the season might throw at you, and if you find gaps, call us to
discuss extra coverage.


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