
Basic Information Requirements For Insurance in South Florida

Category: Blog

Homeowners in South Florida with mortgaged properties are usually required to have home insurance. It’s important when applying for insurance in South Florida to gather required information ahead of time to help speed up the application process.

Requirements between different insurance carriers may vary somewhat, but the steps below should give you a pretty good idea of the basic questions asked and information that may be needed.

Information you should supply includes the square footage of the home, type of construction, the year it was built, as well as the county it is located in and the complete home address. There may also be questions asked about the type of roofing material and the condition of the roof and the structure in general. How the home is heated, whether electric, gas or oil, may be of interest, along with the types of alternative heat sources that are available such as electric space heaters, kerosene heaters or wood stoves.

Insurance agents may ask about the location of the nearest fire hydrant measured in feet and the number of miles the home is from the closest fire department. They may also ask about decks, porches, and garages as well as electrical fuse boxes or circuit breakers, home security systems, deadbolts and smoke detectors.

The purpose of home insurance for the home dwelling is to enable rebuilding if required, and the value of coverage for your building should reflect this. Contact our agency for more information or for quotes on insurance.

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