
Wacky Wednesday: 15 Random Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Category: Blog

This week BBIMI is giving you a glimpse at 15 facts you probably did not know before you read this blog post. The world is full of useless, yet entertaining, information and we would be crazy not to shed some light on this subject. There’s just two more days until the weekend, so enjoy this Wacky Wednesday treat courtesy of BB Insurance Marketing. Check it out:

– There were 42 known assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler.

– In 1830, the average person over 15 years of age drank 88 bottles of whiskey a year. That’s one bottle every 4 days.

– One third of married couples in Canada have separate bedrooms.

– A first-class ticket for a parlor suite on the Titanic cost $4,350 in 1912, or about $100,000 in today’s dollars.

– The custom of brides carrying a bouquet with them was initially done to hide their body odor on wedding day.

– None of the Beatles were able to read music. Paul McCartney eventually taught himself.

– A hummingbird actually weighs less than a penny.

– Starfish have an eye at the end of each of their arms.

– Coca-Cola was initially developed by pharmacists to help cure headaches.

– Every 3 out of 4 people have glossophobia, the fear of public speaking.

– Pizza delivery man Thomas Stefanelli was shot in the leg during delivery, yet still continued to deliver 4 more pizzas before seeking help.

– Writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can actually help to erase your bad mood.

– The yo-yo was originally a Filipino jungle weapon.

– Playing dead will help you survive a shark attack.

– Kobe Bryant makes $162.55 every 60 seconds.

(All Facts via @Factsionary, @UberFacts and @GoogleFacts)

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