Wacky Wednesday: 15 Random facts You Probably Didn’t Know!

This week BBIMI is giving you a glimpse at 15 facts you probably did not know before you read this blog post. The world is full of useless, yet entertaining information and we would be crazy not to shed some light on this subject. There’s just two more days until the weekend, so enjoy this Humpday treat courtesy of BB Insurance Marketing. Click below to check them out!!!
– A woman once called 911 because McDonald’s ran out of McNuggets.
– Collectively, teenagers in the U.S. spend about $43 billion every year.
– Smiling slows down aging and prevents wrinkles.
– Multiple studies have shown that homework has almost no impact on academic achievement until high school.
– The average person spends 45 to 62 minutes a day just waiting.
– It would only take 4 lbs of gold to make a wire that would stretch from New York to Los Angeles.
– The mints restaurants give at the end of a meal are not to freshen your breath. They’re to prevent nausea.
– The sun orbits the center of the Milky Way and takes 250 million years to complete its orbit.
– Humans can’t sneeze while sleeping.
– There is a theater in Russia where all the actors are cats.
– The State of Florida is bigger than England.
– The average child recognizes over 200 company logos by the time he enters first grade.
– Before trees were common, the earth was covered in giant mushrooms.
– There is a cup of coffee in every scene of the movie Fight Club.
– A dentist was the inventor of the electric chair.
(All facts via @UberFacts, @OMGFacts and @GoogleFacts)
Some great facts here m8, really helped me through my hump day. I was a bout with pneumonia but I’m getting over it now; good antibiotics and good facts is all you need to keep the doctor away LOL. Keep it ^, can’t wait to check out that feline theater on my next trip to Moscow! Meow!
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