Local Invention Needs Your Help!
Have you ever wanted to invent something but you didn’t have the funds or means to complete it? A sure-fire idea that could help the masses but just needed a little extra push in the right direction to pick up momentum and start rolling? Well that’s what Davie resident Kevin Cole Abbanato is hoping for when he launched his Kickstarter page last week. Abbanato has the rigorous task of raising $20,000 in 50 days for funding the launch and production of his invention and he needs your help! Abbanato’s product, The Sling, is an innovative take on the future of hands-free entertainment.
The Sling makes viewing movies and shows on you laptop or tablet more enjoyable than ever before. Not only does its sleek design help keep your computer cool but it also provides the perfect height and angle to give your neck the support that is recommended by chiropractors everywhere. The Sling is easily the most comfortable, portable, and affordable laptop/tablet mount that exists today. Here’s how it works:
From The Sling’s Kickstarter page:
I am looking for YOUR help on Kick Starter to get me over the hump. Together we can really bring this project to life and manufacture the Sling more efficiently, which in turn greatly improves cost effectiveness. The expense on materials will also drop dramatically due to no longer purchasing the sheets of acrylic individually. If I can raise enough money to get a mold made and a manufacturer in my corner, we then can produce Slings that poor college kids can afford while still having the right profit margin. Once this price point is met, I know we can sell millions of these world wide.
So please donate here and give all you can, buy some Christmas presents or stocking stuffers for people and help make this dream into a reality!