Wacky Wednesday: 15 Crazy & Amazing Fun Facts You Didn’t Know

As is Wednesday tradition, BBIMI is giving you a glimpse at 15 fun and crazy you probably did not know before you read this blog post. The world is full of useless, yet entertaining AND factual information and we would be crazy or wacky ourselves not to shed some light on this subject. There’s just two more days until the weekend, so enjoy this Humpday treat courtesy of BB Insurance Marketing. Check them out!
– When babies in the womb are seen sucking their thumb, they are sucking their right thumb 90% of the time.
– If you are under the age of 38, statistics show that the funniest joke you will ever hear in your life is a joke you haven’t heard yet.
– In the U.S., rabies is a lot more common in cats than it is in dogs.
– Bats account for one-quarter of the mammal population in the world.
– Caterpillars have around 4,000 muscles — humans only have 629.
– A full head of human hair (about 150,000 strands) is strong enough to support the weight of 2 full grown elephants.
– Coca-Cola can remove blood stains from clothing.
– The Empire State Building makes more money from tickets sales for its observation decks than it does from renting office space.
– Over-thinking is one of the top causes of depression.
– Mercury is the heaviest known liquid element. It’s so dense that bricks would float in it.
– Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain new information easily and is directly linked to high test scores
– Potato chips were invented after a chef lost his temper with a customer who kept asking for his potatoes to be more fried and thinner.
– Mountain Dew was originally slang for Moonshine.
– The Harry Potter series contains approximately 38% more words than the King James Bible.
– Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on a stationary bicycle.
(via @UberFacts, @GoogleFacts & @Factsionary)