Wacky Wednesday: 15 Out of Control Wild and Crazy Fun Facts!
As is Wednesday tradition, BBIMI is giving you a glimpse at 15 fun and crazy you probably did not know before you read this blog post. The world is full of useless, yet entertaining AND factual information and we would be crazy or wacky ourselves not to shed some light on this subject. There’s just two more days until the weekend, so enjoy this Humpday treat courtesy of BB Insurance Marketing. Check them out!
– The brain shrinks over the course of the day, ending up smaller in the evening – before returning to its full size the next morning.
– The CIA burns classified documents to heat their water, protecting their information and reducing their waste by 1,000 tons a year.
– It takes 5 different parts of your brain for you to understand and laugh at a joke.
– The average human has about 5 million hairs on his or her body.
– The most-searched tutorial on YouTube is “how to kiss”—the fourth most-search tutorial is “how to get a six-pack in three minutes.”
– The current market value of a pot of gold is about $1,258,000.
– The Moon is now about 18 times further away from Earth than when it was formed 4.5 billion years ago.
– According to a Pew survey, 73% of Americans know the difference between astrology and astronomy.
– On average, people living in New York take more steps during the summer and winter than people of any other state.
– Your dominant hand hosts different bacteria than your non-dominant hand.
– Drinking grapefruit while taking medication can cause instant overdose and death.
– The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, New York is $3,400.
– Chewing gum is banned in Singapore.
– Only two countries in the world are not allowed to sell Coca-Cola officially: North Korea and Cuba.
– It’s impossible to sneeze while sleeping.
(via @UberFacts, @GoogleFacts & @Factsionary)