Wacky Wednesday: These 15 Fun and Wild Facts Are Out of This World!
As is Wednesday tradition, BBIMI is giving you a glimpse at 15 fun and crazy you probably did not know before you read this blog post. The world is full of useless, yet entertaining AND factual information and we would be crazy or wacky ourselves not to shed some light on this subject. There’s just two more days until the weekend, so enjoy this Humpday treat courtesy of BB Insurance Marketing. Check them out!
– You’re more likely to die from a vending-machine-related accident than to win the Powerball.
– Glitter sticks to stuff due to the static electricity generated between its small particles of metal or plastic and virtually any surface.
– According to a study, Canadians are much more polite on Twitter than Americans, with Americans using disproportionately more swear words.
– Since the 1977 original movie release, more than $20 billion in licensed “Star Wars” merchandise has been sold.
– You can rip off a Band-Aid painlessly by using a blow-dryer to blow warm air on it for a few seconds, then peeling it off.
– Experts believe foods you don’t like as a child are palatable to you as an adult because your taste buds grow less sensitive as you age.
– Cats are afraid of water because their ancestors lived in an area with very few large bodies of water and never had to learn how to swim.
– Eating one human body would provide about 81,500 calories.
– A 10-gallon hat only holds three-fourths of a gallon.
– The foods that are confiscated by customs agents at any U.S. airport are chopped up, put into a grinder, and pulverized out of existence.
– The letter “J” was the last letter added to the English alphabet.
– Bananas have natural chemicals that make you happy.
– In Ancient Greece, throwing an apple to a woman was considered a marriage proposal.
– Sweet potato ranks number 1 in nutrition of all vegetables.
– The only 15-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.
(via @UberFacts, @GoogleFacts & @Factsionary)